I have wanted to have my own garden for years now. The only problem was that when we were living in apartments, there was no place to put a garden. I couldn't wait until we were able to get a house so that we would have a yard for my garden (as well as for my dogs to run around). Well, now we finally have our first house... but no yard.
I decided not to let our non-yard get in my way. We bought some organic seeds. We bought a small greenhouse seed starting kit. And we started the process:
After the seeds germinated, the seedlings started growing quite quickly! We had not yet decided what we were going to plant them in. We tried finding garden boxes online, in stores, anywhere we could think of. Alas, we could not find anything that would work for us. The boxes needed to be a certain size in order to fit alongside our driveway, and they would need to have casters so we could wheel them around so that they would have full sun.
Our seedlings were outgrowing their small greenhouse, and we could not wait any longer. Our only option was to build our own garden boxes.
I love my civic. We can fit ANYTHING in it. You would not believe what we have been able to fit in my car... Yeah, we don't have an electric saw... but I actually really LOVE the saw we bought. I was able to cut the wood quickly and smoothly (and get a great workout for my right arm...)
My cutie pie! He is so handy! He designed these boxes, by the way.
We put the casters on... almost done!
Planting my garden bean seedlings. YAY! I now have my garden.
We planted garden beans, spinach, broccoli, delicata squash, zucchini, yellow summer squash, and I also got a raspberry bush, blackberry bush, and a blueberry bush. I am so excited and I can not wait for my fresh home grown organic veggies and fruits!